The Street Outreach Program (SOP) is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services. SOP will assist runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth, ages 12 thru 22, who are met out in the community.
Our goal is to build relationships between street outreach workers and eligible youth to move them into safe, stable housing and prepare them for independence.
Street Outreach
Staff goes out into the community to identify any runaway and homeless youth. Items will provided to youth. Assistance with referrals, education, employment, life skill training, will also be available.
Community Outreach
Staff is available to have resource tables at various community events. Staff will also go to schools to meet with school staff or attend school functions. The purpose to provide general program knowledge to community members.
For more information and a calendar of locations, staff will be, check out our website Call (586) 307-5543 or email